The Kingdom Hearts Roleplay
The Kingdom Hearts Roleplay

The Kingdom Hearts Roleplay

Roleplay about one of the greatest anime video game crossovers in the world. Kingdom Hearts
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Time flys fast but now a days they just go to slow and there is times where it's like time doesn't move. But I haven't had to talk to Kairi and now because of the organization I need to take two roads and the two of them lead to a bad end. I lost my strong heats leading and I haven't seen no one to help me nit even Riku. Just leading myself with no ending in my heart. Because of this lack of heart I haven't been using the keyblade and another thing to Roxas chose to go back to the organization. But because he has the keyblade that means I'm still the chosen one of the keyblade. So I need to open...
by Moogle - Comments: 0 - Views: 439

There is a lot of new people that I have met, well i can't say a lot it's only like 2 people but they are ok. Ninaya Burns (I call her burns) she has a strong leading and know what path to take and is always trying to get stornger with her heart. And Yue well all I could say right now is that she is very quiet when she is in meeting or in a group. But so far we are doing good with everything. But the organization is growing faster than what they started out with at first. But that girl with the keyblade is really catchs my attention and I need to know more about her. And so far with the heartless...
by Moogle - Comments: 0 - Views: 516

There is this new heartless leader that is looking for me and she knows that I can't summon the keyblade. What is her name ,where did she come from there is many question I have for this heartless leader . But she does like Maleficent. But there is no sign of Pete and Maleficent but I know that they lived and they are ok but did they continued using the dark power of the heartless or they just stop. But I need to get ready to go to the other worlds, I think that need me but what I'm i going to say to Kairi and my other friends. There is a lot of problems in my hands and I need...
by Moogle - Comments: 0 - Views: 440

Too many memories are rushing into my head and my head is starting to hurt alot. I wish things could be more easier and i can't even summon my keyblade. But i have been seeing people with black coats ,are they from the organization XIII or its just my memories. This island has been getting Quiet and lonely without my friends around. It's just not the same with out them but my Hearts will always be with them and that is a promise.
by Moogle - Comments: 0 - Views: 553

So far nothing has happen in the worlds. but I do hear things from other people that the heartsless and the nobodies are starting to attack to differrent worlds is it true what they are saying and go back or should I stay in destiny island with my friends.What should I do I should ask the king or Yen Sid if it's true it's just hard being away from the island and leave my friends again or Riku can come with me but what about Kiari I just don't have a choice,Xemnas if your back I will stop you... what I'm I saying I don't know if he is even back .
by Moogle - Comments: 0 - Views: 510
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